Health Tourism

Health Tourism Op. Dr. Ramazan Sargın

The family bond established between us and our health tourism patients continues for years, we want you to get the nose you dreamed of and be happy.


We ensure that you get the healthiest nose by examining it again and again at regular intervals. You have the right to be more beautiful.


Health Tourism and Tourist Health patients who apply to our practice; We provide admission, registration, diagnosis, treatment, invoicing, discharge, translation and coordination of work and transactions with intermediary institutions.


Currency Account Information:

OUR İŞBANK EURO ACCOUNT: TR9200064000002400000629283

İŞBANK USD ACCOUNT: TR290006400000240000710927

Health Tourism Unit Responsible : Op. Dr. Ramazan SARGIN

Contact İnformation : 0 505 224 87 91

Our Health Tourism Unit Employee : Tuğba AYKAN SARGIN

Contact İnformation : 0 551 236 71 64

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‎0 850 227 0727

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