What is acne (acne)? Acne (acne) is a disease that affects the sebaceous follicles seen on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulder and upper corners. It is most common in adolescence, but can last up to 20 years and even up to 40 years of age. Usually, though not always, people with puddles usually have a fatty fat. Acne can heal over time, progressing ages, or the paced period can be long. Untreated aknes can leave permanent, severe scars called scars. During this period, the person can cause annoyance and psychological discomfort by creating visual impairment. Therefore, it should be treated by a dermatologist. How does acne (acne) occur? The male hormones found in both men and women rise during adolescence and stimulate and expand the sebaceous glands in the deep. These sebaceous glands are found in the most common sites of acne (face, chest, back). The fat ducts are also linked to the hair containing follicles called follicles. Oil glands produce an oily substance called sebum. Sebum is released by the hair follicles that open to the skin surface on the skin. The mouths of these hair follicles are called por. Sebum, that is, oil, becomes sticky in the duct along with the casting of cells in the hair follicle channel. So the por is clogged. Bacteria multiply by feeding on follicular fat and cells. These bacteria secrete chemical substances and create a reaction here, and the follicle wall breaks down. Sebum, bacteria and cells are scattered into the skin, causing redness, swelling and inflammation. Rarely, acnes may also be due to hormonal imbalance. How should acne (acne) be cleaned? In daily skin care, the face should be washed twice with cleaner (soap or gel) and warm water twice a day. Milk-style cleaners should not be preferred as cleaners because they have an oily base. Acne or oily skin should prefer products with a pH of 5.5 in the form of a soap or gel with water as a cleanser. Very frequent washing and excessive skin scrubbing may flare up. Hair cleaning is necessary with regular shampoo. It is recommended to clean frequently if hair is oily. Acorn men can use a razor or electric shaver. If a razor blade is used, the beard area before shaving should be softened with water and shaving foam. The crocodile must be shaved smoothly without breaking. How to use acne (cosmetic) cosmetics? People with a lot of eye makeup, blush and lipstick can use comfortably. It is important that only the foundations applied to the skin surface and the powder are suitable. If you use a liquid foundation or moisturizer, it should be oil-free and water-based. It is best to have a noncomacogenic and nonacneogenic formula on the product of your choice. Such products should be cleaned at night. Is acne (acne) related to internal diseases? Often it is thought that aknen is linked to liver disease. Today we know that aknen is not connected to internal disease. Only hormonal disorders and some medications that are used can cause acne. It can be acne if females produce excess male hormones (androgens) in the adrenal glands or ovaries. Dermatologists will want to test if they are long-standing, do not respond to treatment, have hair loss and hair follicles. Which medications can increase acne (acne)? Certain drugs used for treatment (cortisone hormone drugs, etc.) may cause or reproduce symptoms. Dermatol will make this effect by interrogating the medications you use during the interview. Could stress cause acne (acne)? Stress is not the main cause of acne. However, in times of stress, the emergence of certain hormones may lead to the appearance or increase of acne. What is the effect of sunbathing and solarium on acne (acne)? Solar ultraviolet rays are known to reduce drying and bacteria. For this reason sunbathing usually reduces acnes. However, this may be a misleading situation. After excessive sunbathing, the skin becomes thicker to protect itself from harmful ultraviolet rays. The decreasing rheology can be exacerbated by the thickening of the deep and the clogging of the pores. The solarium has ultraviolet light and has the same mechanism of action. Today, we do not recommend over-sunbing because of the aging and skin cancer-making effects of ultraviolet. Particular attention should be paid to the use of this product in water-based and oil-free applications when using sunscreen in the summer months. It can cause acne proliferation. In some acne (acne) patients, on the contrary, there may be an increase in acne in the summer months. This is due to an increase in the fat epidemic with sweating. How to use rubs in acne treatment? Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleansing gel. Apply Acne (Acne) products not only to the Acne (acne) on a spot, but to all affected areas.